本篇是 Sharded Does Not Imply Distributed 一文的翻译。对于后端人员来说,分片的概念并不陌生,诸如 ElasticSearch、Redis、MySQL 等数据库都有针对于分片的实现方案来解决某些业务场景。文中对数据库分片与分布式数据库的主要区别做了说明,但请注意:分片数据库也是分布式系统。
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文章《分片并不意味着分布式》主要讨论了数据库分片(Sharding)与分布式数据库(Distributed Databases)之间的区别:
- 分片(Sharding):分片是一种技术,它通过将原始数据集拆分为多个分片(shards),并将这些分片分布在多个独立的数据库实例上来实现水平可扩展性。分片解决方案的关键组件是协调器(coordinator),它负责了解数据分布并映射客户端请求到特定的分片和数据库实例。分片数据库实例不相互通信,它们存在于孤立的环境中。
- 分布式数据库:分布式数据库采用分片技术在数据库节点集群中分布数据和负载,但它们建立在无共享架构之上,不依赖于协调器组件。集群中的所有节点都了解彼此和数据分布,可以直接路由客户端请求到适当的分片所有者,并执行多节点事务。分布式数据库在扩展时会自动重新平衡和拆分分片,节点维护数据的冗余副本,即使部分节点故障也能继续操作。
- 分片与分布式的区别:分片涉及将数据拆分到多个独立实例,但这并不意味着系统是分布式的(单机多实例)。分布式数据库则没有中央协调器,其节点相互了解,管理数据分布,并无缝处理客户端请求。
- 数据库设计选择:理解分片和分布式数据库的细微差别对于数据库的设计和选择至关重要,因为它们各自有不同的优点和适用场景。
文章也提到,如果读者对分片数据库架构感兴趣,可以考虑探索 CitusData 或 Azure CosmosDB for PostgreSQL、Vitess for MySQL、Oracle Distributed Autonomous Database 和 MongoDB Sharded Cluster。而对于真正的分布式数据库架构,可以考虑研究 Google Spanner、YugabyteDB、CockroachDB、Apache Cassandra 或 Apache Ignite。
Sharded Does Not Imply Distributed
分片并不意味着分布式 Sharding is a technique that distributes data and load across several standalone database instances. This method leverages horizontal scalability by splitting the original dataset into shards, which are then distributed across multiple database instances.
But, even though the verb “distributes” appears in the definition of sharding, a sharded database is not a distributed one.
Sharding Solutions
分片解决方案 Every sharding solution has one critical component in its architecture. This component can go by various names, including coordinator, router, or director:
The coordinator is the sole component aware of data distribution. It maps client requests to specific shards and then to the corresponding database instance. This is why clients must always route their requests through the coordinator.
For example, if a client wants to insert a new record into the Car
table, the request first goes to the coordinator. The coordinator maps the record’s primary key to one of the shards and then forwards the request to the database instance responsible for that shard.
例如,如果客户端想要将新记录插入 Car
In the schema above, first, the coordinator maps key 121
to shard 10
and, second, inserts the record into table car_10
that is stored on the database instance owning shard 10
在上面的架构中,首先,协调器将键 121
映射到分片 10
,然后将记录插入到存储在数据库实例上的表 car_10
中拥有分片 10
However, one question remains: Why is the coordinator even needed in sharding solutions? The answer is straightforward. The shards are stored on database instances designed for single-server deployments.
These database instances do not communicate with each other, nor do they support any protocols that would facilitate such communication. Unaware of each other, they exist in their own isolated environments, oblivious to the fact that they are part of a larger system.
Consequently, the coordinator is indispensable in sharding solutions. If you’re interested in delving deeper into sharded database architectures, consider exploring CitusData or Azure CosmosDB for PostgreSQL, Vitess for MySQL, Oracle Distributed Autonomous Database, and MongoDB Sharded Cluster.
因此,协调器在分片解决方案中是不可或缺的。如果您有兴趣深入研究分片数据库架构,请考虑探索 CitusData 或 Azure CosmosDB for PostgreSQL、Vitess for MySQL、Oracle 分布式自治数据库和 MongoDB 分片集群。
Distributed Databases
分布式数据库 Much like sharded database solutions, distributed databases also employ similar sharding techniques to distribute data and load across a cluster of database nodes. However, unlike sharding solutions, distributed databases do not rely on a coordinator component.
Distributed databases are built on a shared-nothing architecture, which doesn’t have a single component, like the coordinator, burdened with making numerous decisions:
All nodes in the cluster are aware of each other and, consequently, the data distribution. By communicating directly, each node can route a client request to the appropriate shard owner. Additionally, they can execute and coordinate multi-node transactions. When scaling to more nodes, the cluster automatically rebalances and splits shards. The nodes maintain redundant copies of data (based on a configured replication factor) and can continue operations without downtime, even if some nodes fail.
All of this operates transparently for the client, who simply needs to establish a connection with any of the nodes and allow that node to manage the distributed aspects.
For example, a client might connect to node1
and insert a new Car
record with the id 121
. If node1
is the owner of the record’s shard, then it will store the record locally and employ a consensus algorithm to replicate the change to a subset of other nodes. If not, node1
will forward the record to the shard’s owner, which might be node4
例如,客户端可能连接到 node1
并插入 ID 为 121
的新 Car
记录。如果 node1
是记录分片的所有者,那么它将在本地存储该记录,并采用共识算法将更改复制到其他节点的子集。如果不是, node1
会将记录转发给分片的所有者,该所有者可能是 node4
If you’re interested in exploring the architectures of genuine distributed databases, consider looking into Google Spanner, YugabyteDB, CockroachDB, Apache Cassandra, or Apache Ignite.
如果您有兴趣探索真正的分布式数据库的架构,请考虑研究 Google Spanner、YugabyteDB、CockroachDB、Apache Cassandra 或 Apache Ignite。
In the realm of databases, sharding and distribution are often conflated, but they serve distinct purposes.
While sharding involves splitting data across multiple standalone instances, it doesn’t inherently mean the system is distributed. The presence of a coordinator in sharding solutions, which directs client requests to the appropriate shard, underscores this distinction.
On the other hand, distributed databases, built on a shared-nothing architecture, lack this centralized coordinator. Nodes in these systems are aware of each other, manage data distribution, and handle client requests seamlessly.
Both architectures have their merits, and understanding their nuances is crucial for informed database design and selection.